
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Day of Summer!

While I am on the topic of loping (is that spelled correctly? lopers...lopper? loppering?) Ok, well, while I am on the topic of 'getting rid' of small trees here is another bush...shrub emerging into a full scale tree. Honest, last year I ruthlessly hacked away at this shrub, nearly wiping it out of existence, halting just short of the ground. This year rising determinedly, growing wildly, reaching a height now of over 10 feet, it has yet to reveal any redeeming features. It is green - so is everything else around it. It grows quickly - as does the vine creeping up the hill behind it. It appears to have been planted on purpose. Because of this, I waited patiently this year for its 'beauty' to burst forth. I am still waiting.....not so patiently anymore. What is this thing? Surely someone will know!
Again, is it worthy keeping?
I am imagining forsythia here with several photinia on either side creating a hedge at the border of this 'cliff'. Hedge...another thing to trim.....sigh...that is another save for another day.


Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic blog. I am so impressed with your photography and vivid descriptions. I can hardly wait to see how your "garden" grows over time.

Big Bryan said...

I am totally like impressed with how like cool this site is with the garden and stuff.