
Friday, October 7, 2011

Trying the Book Pumpkin

So I was inspired last night - well, maybe just desperate to get away from my computer and working - that I tried the book pumpkin.  A blog I love to visit  320*Sycamore has an Under $10 Under 1 Hour posts!
There are so many people linking in that party.  Here is the one that inspired me. Lovely, right?  It is created from a trade paperback - well I have plenty of those!  Just finished one in fact which was mediocre at best, in fact I had relegated it to the garbage which means it is not even worthy of reaching the next used book sale (IMHO). 
  Last night, I retrieved that book, cut out a master 'pumpkin' and set to work with my cutting mat and my handy dandy sharp cutting tool from the oh so handy scrapbooking tool kit.  Thinking back on my few experiences with crafts - I did not have high hopes on this one actually turning out ok.  Hmmm..... I cut, and I cut.....then I folded the pages open...paperclipped the front and back together....and almost looked like the picture!  But wait! let's make it thinking and my downfall....where are the rubons from the scrapbooking era?  Yes!  rub on the gold to the edges....hmmmmm.....perhaps I should have left it as it was.  It looks ok but the rubon seems to define the pages, and the holes, and it does not allow for great lighting on the pages.  What do you think?

 I like the stick though - from the scrap heap behind the shed. It looks nearly real.  My tribute to fall - thank you to my friend Pauline from Home Style Solutions for encouraging me to participate in celebrating fall on the Island.  Fall or autumn typically has been my second least favourite season.
* prelude to winter
* too much orange
* plants dying

HOWEVER! now that we live on the beautiful Island my viewpoint is slowly changing.
* little to no snow on the Island
* short winter - thing begin to bloom already in Jan/Feb
*many evergreen plants in my garden
*laurel trees and eucalyptus trees create a tropical feel
*no ice in the winter
*wood fires to take the chill off in the morning
*gardening into December
*planting pansies in November for the winter
*yes i have to wear sweaters but with working at home - with sweat pants! :)
*............................on and on and on

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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