
Saturday, July 16, 2011

White Garden

The White Garden is coming along..... I see the vision, do you?  So often I view my garden, my plans through glasses tinted with the future in mind.  I see the possibilities beyond the actual. 

 This last picture has some added photo editing....really...hahaha, Can you tell I just discovered Piknik?  Oh the fun!


My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Ohhh! Oh, oh, and oh --- what is that white rambler on the top!?

I am delighted beyond words you’ve shared your bounty on summer’s “Vintage Video” on my blog!


Bev Rempel said...

The white rambler is called a carpet rose and has hundreds of little white roses covering it now. So cute.

My Cottage Charm said...

Hey Bev! :) Thanks for commenting on my new camera post..I LOVE that silly thing! Your pictures are beautiful! (and I too love photo editing..SO fun!) I adore the carpet rose and pretty!
Talk to you soon!